Tuesday, January 27, 2015

THE ETERNA FILES: Official Book Trailer!

I hope you enjoyed this short and sweet little book trailer for THE ETERNA FILES, made by PsychWing R & D, a production company founded by yours truly, who did the voice-over in the piece, writer, illustrator and producer Thom Truelove- co-author of several upcoming novels and projects, is responsible for title cards, and the biggest thanks to the fabulous Nerdy Duo; they filmed everything and put it all together per our collective visioning. It's a gasp of a glimpse into the ETERNA world and I hope you'll dive in further by ordering a copy of this new Gaslamp Fantasy adventure!

SIGNED, personalized copies of ETERNA, book 1, can be ordered via WORD, Brooklyn, where your purchase will support not only this very critical new series for me, but a community indie bookstore!

Cheers and Happy Haunting!

1 comment:

houndstooth said...

The video is awesome! We are looking forward to this one!

Bunny, literary hound